Tales from Two Wheels


Motorcycling is our passion, but not just for the ride itself. Life on two wheels means participating in a diverse community of enthusiasts all sharing one common interest. Keep up to date with Sully’s efforts to preserve this thriving community and usher in the next generation of bikers. We hope you enjoy the tips, style and safety advice, gear updates, and most importantly, stories about the ride! Join our journey.

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    Let's Ride

    Tale # 12 - Prepping for Spring!

    If you reside close to our upper Midwest hometown, you’ve probably noticed the days getting a little longer, the sun getting a little warmer, and the salt and slush slowly disappearing from the streets. These are small but significant signs that riding season is fast approaching.
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    Let's Ride

    Tale #11 - A Unified Pack

    There is something to be said for riding solo; you and your thoughts alone on the open road. It can be therapeutic, serene, even meditative. But something truly magical happens on a group ride.
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    Tale #10 - Say Yes More

    There was an old ad campaign for Honda Motorcycles that said, “You meet the nicest people on a Honda. ” It could be the most iconic sales slogan ever created for a motorcycle ad campaign. We like it, but we kinda think it holds true for motorcycles in general.
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    Tale #9 - The Wakefield Jacket by Merla Moto

    New for Spring, Sully’s is stocking the Wakefield Leather Motorcycle Jacket from Merla Moto. This is a classic beauty of a jacket, built with quality craftsmanship and safety in mind.
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    Tale #8 - Why We're Thankful

    It’s November and gratitude is in the air. We love this season. As riders near us squeeze in the last few rides of the year before putting their bikes into winter hibernation, the leaves are changing color and fluttering to the ground mixed with a few snowflakes.
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    Tale #7 - Impact vs Slide Protection

    What’s the difference between impact protection and slide protection?

    While shopping for riding gear, you’ve probably been faced with a lot of protective options. The features and benefits can get complicated.
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    Tale #6 - Have You Met Sully?

    Occasionally, someone will walk into the shop and ask to speak to the boss. “He’s asleep on the couch right now” is usually our answer. Another fun one is, “he’s licking your hand at the moment.”

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    Tale #5 - What's an Enduro?

    Head to your local motorcycle festival, group ride, or friendly dealership and ask a few people what they think an enduro bike is. You will likely get a wide variety of answers.

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    Tale #4 - Reflections on a Grand Opening

    When we look back on our earliest scribblings about Sully’s Ride Shop, we see one word come up again and again - community.

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    Gear, Helmets

    Tale #3 - Helmets

    Riding season is in full force around here and it’s time to think about your helmet!